
Google Patents的算符筆記

Google Patents(https://patents.google.com/advanced)的算符筆記(主要是自己要參考的),這不同於早先的Google Patents。 各條件之間的交集或聯集

Advanced Google Search: Google Patents

Search for granted patents and applications from USPTO and translated patents from multiple international bodies.

What is Google Patent Advanced Search? A Comprehensive Guide

Google Patent Advanced Search is an enhanced search feature provided by Google Patents, which enables users to conduct more specific and refined patent ...

Advanced Search

Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in our index of non-patent literature.

Google Patents

Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in our index of non-patent literature.

A Definitive Guide for Google Patent Search

A complete and comprehensive guide about how to use Google Patents to find prior arts (or to find whether the idea is already patented by someone else).

Google Patents Advanced Search

Search and read the full text of patents from around the world with Google Patents, and find prior art in our index of non-patent literature.


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

7 Advanced Google Patents Search Tips

The article provides the 7 advanced Google Patents Search tips to get the most relevant and faster prior art results in a short time.

Patent Public Search

Select Advanced search to use full query options as well as to further filter a patent search by database or organize documents through tagging.


GooglePatents(https://patents.google.com/advanced)的算符筆記(主要是自己要參考的),這不同於早先的GooglePatents。各條件之間的交集或聯集,SearchforgrantedpatentsandapplicationsfromUSPTOandtranslatedpatentsfrommultipleinternationalbodies.,GooglePatentAdvancedSearchisanenhancedsearchfeatureprovidedbyGooglePatents,whichenablesuserstoconductmorespecificandrefinedpatent ...,Searchandreadthefulltext...